Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Excuses, Excuses...blame it on your Septic System! The REAL reason to leave those clothes alone!

Now that I have your attention.  This is dedicated to all of you overachievers that like to "knock out" all your household chores in one day.  And, for all the "slackers" (like me), today is the day you RULE THE WORLD!
Plumbing Chandler

You wake up bright and early on Saturday morning, charged up, ready to tackle that mountain of clothes piled up in your laundry room or under your bed (uh-hum...we know who you are). You load that washer, clear to the top, one load right after the other.  Wash and dry, wash and dry.  Well, why not, you might ask?  You're just trying to save yourself some time. 

 STOP RIGHT THERE!  I'm about to give you the skinny on why that's not such a great idea.
So let's get a little technical.   Overloading your septic system, doing load after load, can be
Septic Tank Scottsdale
extremely harmful because it doesn’t give the system enough time to treat the waste.  Without sufficient recovery time...you could be flooding your drainfield.  That's why it’s a good idea to spread those loads throughout the week.
Your drainfield is a very important part of your septic system.  Excessive water slows or can even stop the treatment process and can even cause plumbing fixtures to back up.  Below are some ideas to help care for your drainfield:
·         Spread your laundry duties throughout the week.
·         Do not compact the soil - avoid driving or parking vehicles anywhere near your drainfield or any other part of your system.
·         Keep roof drains clean, avoid letting rainwater, basement sump-pumps or other sources of surface water invalid the drainfield area.
·         Do not plant trees or shrubs near it.  Roots can damage and clog your drainfield.
Excessive water along with large amounts of wastewater entering the system is more than the septic system can handle and may cause backups into your house or yard...and that can be a health risk.

For more information about maintaining your Septic System, visit our Website.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Drain...Drain...go away!!

Don't feel bad...a lot of us do it.  You floss your teeth, you look around, make sure no one is looking...then you toss it right in the toilet.  But, before you do that again...READ ON.
The items you put down your drains and toilets can do damage and have a major impact on how your septic system works…actually…it can do a real number on your plumbing as well!
Chemicals and other household items can stress and destroy the delicate balance of the healthy bacteria in your tank.  Healthy bacteria, you might ask?  Yep, you read that right.  There is a healthy colony of necessary bacteria in your tank.  Household chemicals abolish the decomposition treatment taking place in the system and can even contaminate surface waters and groundwater.  Some of the items we use daily, if put down your toilet or sink will get lodged in pipes.  Grease and oil will stick to the lining of the pipes, blocking them and causing backups.  All of this can be quite costly. 
High Pressure Jetting Scottsdale

Below is a list of some items you should avoid putting down your drains or flushing down your toilets.
·         Household Chemicals
·         Gasoline, Antifreeze, etc.
·         Pesticides
·         Paint
·         Grease/Oil
·         Feminine Hygiene products
·         Cat Litter
·         Paper towels/Cotton Swabs
·         Cigarette Butts
·         Coffee Grounds
·         Clorox Wipes
·         BABY WIPES (even the flushable Wet Clothes)

At this point, I'm sure you're wondering how you can restore and maintain the beneficial bacteria and enzymes or clear your pipes of these items.  Well, you're in luck! 

Septic Tank Bacteria Scottsdale
Emergency Pumping Septic Treatment (ST) Packets, used once a month, is a simple and the most effective way to maintain the bacteria colony in your septic system.  High Pressure Jetting Services can free your pipes of those pesky greases, oils, paper towels or baby wipes.


Visit our website to read more about the benefits of using our Septic Tank Bacterial Additive and High Pressure Jetting Services. 

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Not just a drop in the bucket...how's your plumbing??

Have you ever wondered how fast a household can fill up their Septic Tank?  If not, you might be surprised.  A typical single-family home uses about 70 gallons of water, per person, per day!  Interesting, right?  Keep in mind it only takes a few weeks, maybe even just a few days, depending on the size of the tank and the number of people living in your home, to fill a tank to “operating level”. 

Good news though!  You can do some things to be sure you are using water efficiently. 

Scottsdale Plumbing
Did you know a leaky toilet can waste as much as 200 gallons of water, each day?  Toilets use approximately 25-30% of your household water.  WOW - that’s more than just a drop in the bucket!  The average toilet uses 3.5-5 gallons of water, per flush.  High-efficiency toilets only use about 1.6 gallons.  The cost of a high-efficiency toilet might just be worth the extra coin!  Even small drips from your faucets add to your household water use.  Faucet aerators and high-efficiency showerheads can save water too!

Here’s some other helpful ideas on how to use water more wisely.  Check them out!

  • When shaving or brushing your teeth – turn your faucet off.
  • Only fill the tub with as much water as you need.
  • Make sure your dishwasher or washing machine is full before you run it.
  • Check for leaks in your kitchen and bathroom.
  • Be sure you turn your faucets all the way off, after use.

Gilbert Plumbing

That actually brings me to Plumbing!  Turns out, most homeowners don't think about their plumbing until there is a problem - broken pipes, no hot water, etc.  But leaky toilets and faucets can be a big problem too.  A low cost, preventative measure, can help you out with that.  Our flat rate Plumbing Inspection gives you a clear picture of the plumbing conditions inside your home, or even commercial building!

For only $125 - will will access your current plumbing conditions. 

  •  A complete plumbing system inspection where we check general plumbing drains and fixtures including toilets, tubs, showers, sinks, faucets (in and out), laundry, water heaters, PO systems and softeners.
  • A safety inspection of the hot water heater.
  • Visual check for leaks, cracks or worn parts that could lead to fut problems.
  • A complete evaluation will be written upon conclusion of the inspection detailing all work completed and areas where attention should be paid for repairs and/or replacements.
Give us a call at 602-438-0911 or check out our website